
(1) Quarterly journal
Olde Meck members receive our award winning Quarterly journal that has been published four times a year since 1983. The Quarterly contains cemetery readings, Bible records, family histories, wills, land records, court records, marriage records, queries, maps, book reviews, and miscellaneous genealogical data for the Mecklenburg County area. The Quarterly also contains general articles on genealogy and family history research.
To see an example Quarterly, 2022 Volume 40 Number 1, click here.
Search our Quarterly indexes
Click on Search Quarterly indexes to search for a Surname or Article Title. When you access the online indexes, you will see two pull-downs:
  1. "Search by" ... select either 'Article Title' or 'Surname, Given Name'
  2. "Article Title" ... select either 'Begins with' or 'Contains'
How to order a Quarterly journal article?
When you find a particular article you want, you can purchase individual print copies in either of the following ways:
  1. Use this mail-in Order Form.
  2. Go to the Olde Meck Store.​

(2) Mecklenburg Messenger monthly newsletter
OldeMeck members receive the Mecklenburg Messenger, a monthly newsletter noting upcoming genealogical events, society news, and including recaps of past speakers. 
To see January 2022 Mecklenburg Messenger, click here

(3) Publications For Sale
Publications for sale include cemetery books, real estate notices, will books, court records, etc. Below are two ways you can purchase Olde Meck publications:
  1. Use this mail-in Order Form.
  2. Go to the Olde Meck Store.