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Records: 1 to 6 of 6
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Kall Kallam Cemetery Book of Surry County and Surrounding Areas, Active and Inactive Burying Grounds Kallam, Lemuel Wallace
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Stor Story of Rockford Houck, Lucy Hamlin
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Surr Surry County Book, Recollections of the Life, History and Culture of Old Surry County in Northwestern NC Surry County American Revolution Bicentennial Comission
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Surr Surry County, NC Abstracts Deed Books A, B and C 1770 -1788 Absher, W.O., Mrs
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Surr Surry County, NC Court Minutes Vols 1 and 2 1768 -1789 Absher, W.O., Mrs.
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Surr Surry County, NC Deeds Books D, E and F 1779 -1797 Absher, W.O., Mrs
Records: 1 to 6 of 6