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Records: 1 to 25 of 25
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Pick "Sweet Union:" an architectural and historical survey of Union County, North Carolina. Pickens, Suzanne S, ed.
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Union Bulletin (The Carolinas Genealogical Society). Continues The Carolinas Genealogica Society bulletin. The Carollinas Genealogical Society
View Record  Family Books / Wilson / Caro Carolina descendants of James Wilson of Ireland. Sexton, Jim
View Record  Family Books / Cuthbertson / Cuth Cuthbertson families of Mecklenburg and Union counties of North Carolina, 1711-1992 Vick, Frances Cuthbertson, Nancy Jane Moore Austin, Charles Alexander Adcock; Compilers
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Moor Genealogical abstracts of Deed Book One, Union County, North Carolina, April 10, 1843 - June 18, 1850 Moore, Barbara W
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / ADC Greater Charlotte, North Carolina: street map book. ADC: the map people
View Record  Map / NC / Union Co. / NC Co 90 Historical Research Map of Union County, NC Roads (1982) Stout, G.P.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Inhe Inherit the land: Jim Crow meets Miss Maggie's will. Stowe, Gene
View Record  States / South Carolina / Tirz Inscriptions. Tombstones in Tirzah Presbyterian Churchyard in Lancaster County, South Carolina and Union County, North Carolina. Tirzah Cemetery Association
View Record  Map / NC / Union Co. / NC Co 90 Map of Union County, NC (Dec 1907) Miller, C.M.
View Record  Map / NC / Mecklenburg Co. / Meck 04 Mecklenburg, Cabarrus & Union Counties, NC Waterways & Townships and Some Early Churches (2002) Johnson, Donna Joy
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Monr Monroe City Suncrest Cemetery Small, Otha B. and Frances R.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Monr Monroe Enquirer Presented by Collier Cobb American Commercial Agency
View Record  Family Books / Moore / Aust Moore families of Anson and Union counties, North Carolina,1750 - 1988 Austin, Nancy Jane Moore and Mary Lois Moore Yandle.
View Record  Family Books / Nash / Dees Nash: the descendants of Richard Nash, 1785-1987. Deese, Virginia Helms, comp.
View Record  NC Countties / Union / Sket Sketches of Monroe and Union County; together with general and individual characteristics of their people and a description of the natural resources and business enterprises. Stack & Beasley
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Heri The Heritage of Union County, North Carolina, Vol. II, 1842-2004. The Carolinas Genealogical Society,comp.
View Record  Family Books / Price / Have The Monsieur Price family of Union County, North Carolina Havens, April Price
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County NC Marriages Vol. II 1900 -1915 Small, Frances R.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County NC Marriages Vol. III 1916 -1930 Small, Otha B. and Frances R.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County, NC Family Cemeteries Small, Otha B. and Frances R.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County, NC First Tax List - Anson Side, Anson Petition, First Tax - Meck. Side Meck Petition Kerr, A. Hub
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County, NC Marriages Vol. IV 1931 -1945 Small, Otha B. and Frances R.
View Record  Map / NC / Union Co. / NC Co 90 Union County, North Carolina [road map]
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Smal Union County, North Carolina, Marriages, 1843-1899. Small, Frances R
Records: 1 to 25 of 25