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Records: 1 to 6 of 6
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  States / South Carolina / Stew 1800 Census of Pendleton District, South Carolina Stewart, William C
View Record  Map / SC / Pickens Co. / SC Co 39 General Highway Map of Pickens County, SC (1971) S.C. Dept of Highways & Public Transportation
View Record  States / South Corolina / Bail History of Grindal Shoals and some early adjacent families. Bailey, J D
View Record  Pendelton District, S. C. Deeds, 1790-1806 Willie, Betty
View Record  States / South Carolina / Will Pendelton District, S. C. Deeds, 1790-1806 Willie, Betty
View Record  Journals / SC Counties / Pied Upper South Carolina genealogy & history The Piedmont Historical Society
Records: 1 to 6 of 6