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Records: 1 to 23 of 23
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  States / Georgia / Acwo Acworth, Georgia, from Cherokee Country to Suburbia Carrie Dyer Woman's Club
View Record  States / South Carolina / Hewa An Historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. Hewatt, Alexander
View Record  States / Georgia / Atla Atlanta Resurgens - The First Hundred Years of a City's Progress, Promise and Philosophy
View Record  States / Georgia / Biog Biographical Souvenir of the States of Georgia and Florida Battle, F. A. and Co.
View Record  States / Georgia / Deat Deaths from the Federal Union, 1830-1850 (Baldwin County, Georgia) Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr.
View Record  Family Books / Baugh / Will Families: Buagh, Isham, Trammell Willingham, Ruby Leola Shamblin
View Record  States / Georgia / Geor Georgia McCullar, Bernice
View Record  Journals / Georgia Georgia genealogical magazine; a magazine of genealogical source material concerning Georgians Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr.
View Record  States / Georgia / Geor Georgia Obituaries, 1740-1935 Austin, Jeannette Holland
View Record  States / Georgia / Geor Georgia's First Continuing Baptist Church Harris, Waldo P., III and James D. Mosteller
View Record  States / Georgia / Geor Georgia, A Short History Coulter, E. Merton
View Record  States / Georgia / Geor Georgians in the Revolution: at Kettle Creek (Wilkes Co.) and Burke County Davis, Robert Scott, Jr.
View Record  States / Georgia / Grad Grady County, Georgia - Some of Its History, Folk Architecture and Families Brunton, Yvonne
View Record  States / Georgia / Henr Henry County Georgia, The Mother of Counties Rainer, Vessie Thrasher
View Record  States / Georgia / Hist History Of Butts County Georgia, 1825-1976 McMichael, Lois
View Record  States / Georgia / Hist History of the Town of Hogansville, Hogansville, Georgia, 1830-1970 Strain, Jane M.
View Record  States / Georgia / Hist History of Troup County Smith, Clifford L.
View Record  States / Georgia / Huxf Pioneers of Wiregrass Georgia; a biographical account of some of the early settlers of that portion of Wiregrass Georgia embraced in the original counties of Irwin, Appling, Wayne, Camden and Glynn. Vol. I-VII. Huxford, Folks. Compiled and published by.
View Record  States / Georgia / Taps Taps, Civil War Monuments of North Georgia Kerr, Jack
View Record  States / Georgia / Myer The Children of pride. Myers, Robert Manson, ed.
View Record  States / Georgia / Heri The Heritage of Floyd County, Georgia, 1833-1999. Floyd County, Georgia, Heritage Book Committee
View Record  Family Books / Prickett / Garr The Prickett family; George Prickett, and early settler of Georgia and allied families Garrison, Frances W. and Harry Clifford Walker, Jr., comp.
View Record  States / Georgia / Whit White Columns in Georgia Perkerson, Medora Field
Records: 1 to 23 of 23