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Records: 1 to 55 of 55
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  States / Virginia / 1880 1880 census of Russell County, Virginia Hockett, Thomas J. and Shelia S. Hunt
View Record  States / Virginia / Wood A Guide to Huguenot Williamsburg Woodlief, Annette Mathews [and] Carol Colvard Cason
View Record  States / Virginia / Agus Agusta County marriages, 1748 - 1850 Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr.
View Record  States / Virginia / Anna Annals of Southwest Virginia, 1769 - 1800, Botetourt, Fincastle, Montgomery, Washighton, Wythe, Vol 1-2 Summers, Lewis Preston
View Record  States / Virginia / Beth Bethel and her ministers, 1746 - 1974 Turner, Herbert S.
View Record  States / Virginia / Gray Bicentennial heritage: Grayson County, Virginia, 1793 [Grayson County Heritage Book Committee]
View Record  States / Virginia / Brun Brunswick County, Virginia, 1720 - 1975 Neale, Gay
View Record  States / Virginia / Brut Bruton Parish Churchyard and Church: a guide to the tombsontes, mounuments, and mural tablets; with a foldout map.
View Record  Family Books / Kilgore / Char Charles Kilgore of Kings Mountain; a new history of the Kilgore family Addington, Hugh M
View Record  States / Virginia / Chro Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Virginia; extracted from the original county records of Augusta County, 1745-1800. Chalkley, Lyman
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina Weis, Frederick Lewis, Rev., Th.D.
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial Virginia; a picture book to remember Her by Gibbon and Smart
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial Williamsburg, Its Buildings and Gardens Kocher, A. Lawrence and Howard Dearstyne
View Record  Military / Civil War / Wait Confederate military hospitals in Richmond. Waitt, Robert W. (Jr.)
View Record  States / Virginia / Earl Early marriages, wills, and some Revolutionary War records, Botetourt County, Virginia Worrell, Ann Lowry
View Record  States / Virginia / Earl Early Settlers of Lee County, VA, and Adjacent Counties, Vol 1 Laningham, Anne Wynn
View Record  Family Books / Crittenden / Tuck Early Virginia colonial families: the Crittendens, Downs, Lees, Ludwells, Taylors and collateral families: Tucker, Wanda and Sue Ward
View Record  States / Virginia / Earl Early Wills, 1746-1765 - Lunenburg County, Virginia
View Record  States / Virginia / Emig Emigration to other states from Southside Virginia, Volume I-II
View Record  Family Books / Baugh / Will Families: Buagh, Isham, Trammell Willingham, Ruby Leola Shamblin
View Record  States / Virginia / Gove Governors' Island, Gwynn's Island, Virginia, during the Revolution Wrike, Peter Jennings
View Record  States / Virginia / Gray Grayson County, Virginia, 1793, 1908 Courthouse Foundation
View Record  States / Virginia / Hist History of Highland County, Virginia Morton, Oren F.
View Record  States / Virginia / Hist History of Orange County, Virginia Scott, W. W.
View Record  Family Books / Holland / Holl Holland, to those who care; a history of the Virginia Holland families from 1620 to 1963 Holland, Kirk Davis
View Record  States / Virginia / Horn Hornbook of Virginia History Daniel, J. R. V.
View Record  Native American / General / Indi Indian raids and massacres of Southwest Virginia Addington, Luther F and Emory L. Hamilton
View Record  Family Books/ Legett/ Lege Legett family of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina Avant, David A., Jr.
View Record  Journals / Virginia Magazine of Virginia genealogy Virginia Genealogical Society
View Record  States / Virginia / Knor Marriage bonds and ministers' returns of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1750-1810 Knorr, Catherine Lindsay, comp.
View Record  Family Books / Hamel / Matt Middling folk; three seas, three centuries, one Scots-Irish family Matthews, Linda H
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Thor Noel Battles our Revolutionary War ancestor. Thornton, Grace McCullough,comp.
View Record  States / Virginia / Offi Official guide to colonial Williamsburg Olmert, Michael
View Record  States / Virginia / Old C Old churches, ministers and families of Virginia, Vol 1-2 Meade, Bishop William
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Caswell Piedmont lineages; the quarterly journal of The Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society Virginia-North Carolina Piedmont Genealogical Society
View Record  States / Virginia / Rich Richmond County, Virginia: Marriages 1668-1853 King, George H.
View Record  States / Virginia / Seed Seed-Bed of The Republic, early Botetourt; a study of the pioneers in the Upper (Southern) Valley of Virginia Stoner, Robert Douthat
View Record  States / Virginia / Shen Shenandoah County, Virginia marriages, 1778 - 1850 Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr.
View Record  Family Books / Williamson / Vaug Some descendants of Thomas Williamson the Elder of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Vaughn, Michael J "Mike"
View Record  Family Books / General / Some Some Southern colonial families, vol. 5 Avant, David A., Jr.
View Record  Map / Historical / 06 South Part of Virginia Now the North Part of Carolina (1657) Comberford 1657 MS
View Record  States / Virginia / Spot Spotsylvania County, Virginia: Records 1722-1838 Crozier, William A.
View Record  States / Virginia / Stor Story of Strasburg and other historical articles as published in the Bicentennial Edition of the Northern Virginia Daily, September 20 1961 Cadden, Virginia Hinkins
View Record  States / Virginia / Surr Surry County records, Virginia 1652-1684 Davis, Eliza Timberlake
View Record  Family Books / Brooks / Edwa The Brooks of Virginia Edwards, Bruce Montgomery
View Record  Family Books / McConnell / McCo The McConnell family: descendants of George McConnell and Susannah Snavely: genealogy
View Record  United States / General / Herr They dared to roar; women who made a difference in the 1800's ... Herran, Kathy Neill
View Record  States / Virginia / Thom Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia Peden, William
View Record  Map / Historical / 07 Virginia (1590) White, John and Theodore De Bry
View Record  Family Books / Goode / Good Virginia cousins; a study of the ancestry and posterity of John Goode of Whitby, a Virginia colonist of the seventeenth century, with notes upon related families, a key to Southern genealogy and a history of the English surname Gode, Goad, Goode or Good from 1148 to 1887 Goode, G. Brown
View Record  States / Virginia / Virg Virginia genealogical research Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  States / Virginia / Virg Virginia Revolutionary War State pensions Virginia Genealogical Society
View Record  States / Virginia / Virg Virginia valley records; genealogical and historical materials of Rockingham County, Virginia and related regions (with map) Wayland, John W.
View Record  Map / Historical / 05 Virginiae Item et Floridae, America Provinciatum, nova. Descriptio (1606) Mercator - Hondius 1606
View Record  States / Virginia / Wagg Waggon road to the western mountains of Virginia Griffin, Frances
Records: 1 to 55 of 55