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Records: 1 to 83 of 83
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  United States / General / 1790 1790-1890 Federal Population Censuses, Catalog of National Archives Microfilm National Archives
View Record  United States / General / Hist A History of the public land policies. Hibbard, Benjamin Horace
View Record  United States / General / Abri Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy: First Families of America, Vol III Virkus, Frederick A.
View Record  United States / General / Abri Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy: First Families of America, Vol. II Virkus, Frederick
View Record  United States / General / Alis Alistair Cooke's America Cooke, Alistair
View Record  United States / General / Amer America 1585, The Complete Drawings of John White Hulton, Paul
View Record  United States / General / Amer American Colonists in English Records
View Record  United States / General / Amer American Library Directory, Vols 1-2, 55th Edition 2002-2003
View Record  United States / General / Amer American Loyalist Claims Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 1 1789-1809 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 2 1809-1815 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 3 1815-1824 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 4 1823-1827 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 5 1827-1829 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 6 1828-1834 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 7 1834 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 8 1835-1837 Public Lands Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Amer American State Papers Vol. 9 1790-1823 Claims Gales and Seaton
View Record  United States / General / Red Ancestry's red book: American state, county, & town square. Eichholz, Alice, ed.
View Record  United States / General / Barb Barbados Records, Wills and Administrations, Vol. II 1681-1700 Sanders, Joanne McRee
View Record  United States / General / Boun Boundaries of the United States and the Several States Van Zandt, Franklin K.
View Record  United States / General / Bris Bristol And America, A Record of the First Settlers in the Colonies of North America 1654-1685
View Record  United States / General / Burk Burke's American Families with British Ancestry - The Lineages of 1,600 Families of British Origin Now Resident in the United States of America
View Record  United States / General / Cens Census, 190 Years of Counting America Halacy, Dan
View Record  United States / General / Clin Clinchfield Railroad: The Story of a Trade Route Across the Blue Ridge Mountains Way, William, Jr.
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1660 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1661-1699 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1700-1750 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1751-1776 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Conc Concise History of the American Republic Morison, Samuel Eliot, Henry Steele Commager, and William Leuchtenburg
View Record  United States / General / Conc Concise Study Guide to the American Frontier Klose, Nelson
View Record  United States / General / Desc Descendants of the Presidents Tucker, R. Whitney
View Record  United States / General / Earl Early Settlers of the Bahamas and Colonists of North America Bethell, A. Talbot
View Record  United States / General / Few U Few Unsung Women: Colonial and Pioneer National Society of the Colonial Dames of America
View Record  United States / General / Gene Genealogical Atlas of the United States of America Everton, George B., Jr.
View Record  United States / General / Gras Grassroots of American, Index to American State Papers, Land Grants and Claims 1789-1837 McMullin, Phillip
View Record  United States / General / Grea Great Depression - We Survived!, A Collection of True Experiences, Produced by the Writing Our Own History Class, Adventures in Learning, Shepherd's Center, Charlotte NC Bigger, Margaret. G.
View Record  United States / General / Guid Guide to the Manuscripts in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina
View Record  United States / General / Here Hereditary Register of the United States of America - 1985
View Record  United States / General / Hist History of New England from 1630 to 1649, Vol. I, by John Winthrop Savage, James
View Record  United States / General / Hist History of New England from 1630 to 1649, Vol. II, by John Winthrop Savage, James
View Record  United States / General / Hist History of the United States, The Evolution of a Free People Frost, Brown, Ellis and Fink
View Record  Military / Civil War / Sned Images from The Storm; 300 Civil War images by the author of Eye of the Storm. Written and illustrated by Private Robert Knox Sneden. Sneden, Robert Knox.
View Record  United States / General / Immi Immigrant & Passenger Arrivals, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications
View Record  United States / General / Immi Immigrant Ancestors, A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750, Extracted from Volume VII Compendium of American Genealogy
View Record  United States / General / Sham Inheritance in America from Colonial times to the present. Shammas, Carole; Salmon, Marylynn and Michel Dahlin.
View Record  United States / General / Lest Lest We Forget, A Guide To Genealogical Research In The Nation's Capital Andrew Babbel, June
View Record  How To / Research / Doll Map guide to American migration routes, 1735-1815. Dollarhide, William
View Record  United States / General / Mayf Mayflower deeds & probates, from the files of George Ernest Bowman at the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants Roser, Susan E.
View Record  United States / General / Mayf Mayflower marriages, from the files of George Ernest Bowan, at the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants Roser, Susan E.
View Record  Family Books / Hamel / Matt Middling folk; three seas, three centuries, one Scots-Irish family Matthews, Linda H
View Record  United States / General / Migr Migration, emigration, immigration Miller, Olga K
View Record  United States / General / Old Old Pike Searights, Thomas B
View Record  United States / General / Our A Our American sisters: women in American life and thought, 4th ed. Friedman, Jean E; Shade, William G.; and Capozzoli, Mary Jane
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Edga Partisans and Redcoats: the Southern conflict that turned the tide of the American Revolution. Edgar, Walter B
View Record  United States / General / Plan Plantation Tales Rhyne, Nancy
View Record  United States / General / Proh Prohibition Didn't End in '33 Bigger, Margaret G.
View Record  United States / General / Prov Provincials: Personal History of Jews in the South Evans, Eli N.
View Record  United States / General / Real Real Lincoln: From the Testimony of His Contemporaries Minor, Charles
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Revo Revolutionary war genealogy Schweitzer, George K
View Record  United States / General / Sear Search for the Passengers of the Mary & John, 1630, Volume 20, West Country Ships and Pasengers, 1620-1643 Mary & John Clearing House
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Gord South Carolina and the American Revolution: a battlefield history. Gordon, John W
View Record  United States / General / Sout Southern Colonial Frontier, 1607-1763 Robinson, W. Stitt
View Record  United States / General / Sout Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689, Volume One, A History of the South Craven, Wesley Frank
View Record  United States / General / Tale Tales Never Told Around The Campfire, True Stories of Frontier America Dugan, Mark
View Record  Native American / General / Rice The Buffalo Ridge Cherokee; a remnant of a great nation divided. Rice, Horace R
View Record  How To / Research / Hand The Handybook for genealogists: United States of America.
View Record  Scots-Irish / General / Leyb The Scotch-Irish, a social history. Leyburn, James G
View Record  How To / Research / Sour The source: a guidebook of American genealogy Szucs, Loretto Dennis & Sandra Hargreaves Luebking, eds.
View Record  United States / General / Stem The Vital record compendium; comprising a directory of vital records and where they may be located Stemmons, John D & E. Diane
View Record  United States / General / Wild The Wilderness Road Kincaid, Robert L
View Record  Family Books / Semrad / Worl The World book of Semrads.
View Record  United States / General / They They came in ships Colletta, John Philip
View Record  United States / General / Herr They dared to roar; women who made a difference in the 1800's ... Herran, Kathy Neill
View Record  Native American / General / Trai Trail of Tears Jahoda, Gloria
View Record  United States / General / Ambr Undaunted courage; Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the opening of the American West. Ambrose, Stephen E
View Record  United States / General / Unde Understanding Colonial Handwriting Harriet Stryker-Rodda
View Record  United States / General / Lang Union 1812; the Americans who fought the second war of independence Langguth, A. J.
View Record  United States / General / Unit United States Census Compendium: A Directory of Census Records, Tax Lists, Poll Lists, Petitions, Directories, Etc, Which Can Be Used as a Census Stemmons, John D.
View Record  United States / General / Wash Washington and His Country Irving and Fiske
View Record  United States / General / Wint Winthrop fleet of 1630, an Account of the Vessels, the Voyage, the Passengers and their English Homes from Original Authorities Banks, Charles Edward
View Record  United States / General / Wome Women of the Republic, Intellect & Ideology in Revolutionary America Kerber, Linda K.
View Record  United States / General / Worl World War II - It Changed Us Forever, A Collection of True Experiences, Produced by the Writing Our Own History Class Adventures in Learning Shepherd's Center, Charlotte, NC Bigger, Margaret G.
Records: 1 to 83 of 83