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Records: 1 to 122 of 122
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / 1982 1982 Supplement to the DAR Patriot Index
View Record  Miltary / Civil War / Purs Additional information and amendments to the North Carolina Troops, 1861-1865, seventeen volume roster Purser, Charles E, Jr.
View Record  Military / War of 1812 / Amer America at War - The War of 1812 Greenblatt, Miriam
View Record  Military / General / Amer American Military History 1607-1958, Headquarters, Department of the Army July 1959
View Record  Military / General / Amer American Militia in the Frontier Wars, 1790-1796 Clark, Murtie June
View Record  Military / Civil War / Atla Atlas of the Civil War McPherson, James M.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Batt Battle of Bentonville Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Batt Battlefield Atlas of the Civil War Symonds, Craig L.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Lips Battles, skirmishes, and actions of the American Revolution in South Carolina. Lipscomb, Terry W
View Record  Military / Civil War / Biog Biographical Sketches and Pictures of Company B, Confederate Veterans of Nashville, TN Barnes, Beverly Pearson
View Record  Military / Civil War / Brot Brother Against Brother, The War Begins Davis, William C.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus Revolutionary Patriot Roll Bridges, Kathryn L et al compilers
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Chro Chronicle of North Carolina During the American Revolution, 1763-1789 Crow, Jeffrey J.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Jordan, Robert Paul
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Books, A Priced Checklist With Advice Broadfoot, Tom
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Christmases, Original Stories About Some Unique Characters Living in Troubled Times Guthrie, Lula Mac Pherson
View Record  Military / Civil War / Schw Civil War genealogy. Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Handbook Price, William H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War in West Texas and New Mexico Wilson, John P and Jerry Thompson
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, Technical Volume I: Appendices
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, Technical Volume II: Battle Summaries
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Trust's Official Guidebook to the Civil War Discovery Trail Davis, Hattie Caldwell
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Women McSherry, Frank, Jr. and Charles G. Waugh and Martin Greenberg
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War, Strange & Fascinating Facts Davis, Burke
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Hill Col. William Hill's memoirs of the Revolution Salley, A S, Jr., ed.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Land Colonial and revolutionary history of Upper South Carolina ... Landrum, J. B. O.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Alba / 1993 Confederate faces; a pictorial review of the individuals in the Confederate Armed Forces Albaugh, William A., III
View Record  Military / Civil War / Wait Confederate military hospitals in Richmond. Waitt, Robert W. (Jr.)
View Record  Military / Civil War / Neag Confederate research sources; a guide to archive collections Neagles, James C.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Conf Confederate Women Wiley, Bell Irvin
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Ande Cornwallis in Charlotte; advance, battle, occupation and retreat followed by American Forces at Camp New Providence, September-December 1780. Anderson, William Lee
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Library Catalog, Volume Three, Centennial Supplement; Acquisitions, 1985-1991
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part I, A-F, 1990
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part II, G-O, 1990
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part III, P-Z, 1990
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index, Vol. III, 1986
View Record  Military / Civil War / Daug Daughters of the Cause, Women of the Civil War Broadwater, Robert P. and Joseph T. Campbell
View Record  Military / Civil War / Esca Escape from the Maple Leaf Witt, Jerry V. Witt, Col. Ret.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Fall Fall of Fort Fisher NC
View Record  Military / Civil War / Fire Fire of Freedom: Abraham Galloway and the Slaves' Civil War Cecelski, David S.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Fort Fort Fisher Battle of 15 January 1865
View Record  Military / Civil War / Gene General Order Book, 1862 - 1863, 11th "Bethel" Regiment, North Carolina Troops. Transcribed by Ellen Poteet. Poteet, Ellen
View Record  Military / Civil War / Bare General Robert F. Hoke: Lee's modest warrior. Barefoot, Daniel W
View Record  States / South Carolina / McCa Guide to Civil War records; a guide to the records in the South Carolina Department of Archives and History McCawley, Patrick
View Record  States / South Carolina / Guid Guide to South Carolina Civil War Research Rigdon, John
View Record  NC Counties / Guilford / Reid Guilford Courthouse Reid, Courtland T
View Record  Military / Civil War / Hero Heroines Of Dixie: Spring Of High Hopes Jones, Katharine M.
View Record  States/ South Carolina / Floy Historical roster and itinerary of South Carolina volunteer troops who served in the late War between the United States and Spain, 1808. Coupled with brief sketches of their movements from the beginning to the ending of the conflict. Floyd, J W
View Record  Military / Civil War / Sned Images from The Storm; 300 Civil War images by the author of Eye of the Storm. Written and illustrated by Private Robert Knox Sneden. Sneden, Robert Knox.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Inde Index of Revolutionary War Pension Applications in the National Archives - Bicenntenniel Edition (1976) Revised and Enlarged
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Loya Loyalists at King's Mountain Moss, Bobby Gilmer
View Record  Military / Civil War / Medi Medicine of the Civil War National Library of Medicine
View Record  Military / General / Mili Military Service Records, A Select Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications National Archives
View Record  Military / Civil War / Alba / 1993 More Confederate faces; a pictorial review. Albaugh, William A., III
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nati National Society Daughters of the American Colonists, Supplemental Book, Vol. III, Books 66-77, 1990
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Thor Noel Battles our Revolutionary War ancestor. Thornton, Grace McCullough,comp.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nort North Carolina and the Coming of the Revolution 1763 -1776 Butler, Lindley S.
View Record  Military / War of 1812 / Nort North Carolina and the War of 1812 Lemmon, Sarah McCulloh
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina as a Civil War Battleground 1861 - 1865 Barrett, John Gilchrist
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Confederate Militia and Home Guard Records, Vol. 1, Militia Letter Book, 1862 - 1864 Bradley, Stephen E., Jr., Dr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Confederate Militia and Home Guard Records, Vol. 2, Militia Letter Book, 1864 - 1865 and Home Guard Orders Bradley, Stephen E., Jr., Dr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Confederate Militia and Home Guard Records, Vol. 3, Home Guard Letter Book, 1863 - 1865 Bradley, Stephen E., Jr., Dr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Confederate Militia Officers Roster, As Contained in the Adjutant - General's Officers Roster, Stephen Bradley North Carolina Regiments Vol. I Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Civil War / Carr North Carolina Confederate veteran grave locations. Carrere, Charlotte [and] McAllister, Robert
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nort North Carolina DAR, Genealogical Records Committee report: Bible records, Concord, North Carolina North Carolina DAR, Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nort North Carolina in the American Revolution Rankin, Hugh F.
View Record  Military / Mexican War / Nort North Carolina in the Mexican War, 1846 -1848 Hoffmann, William S.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Regiments Vol. I Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Regiments Vol. II Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Regiments Vol. III Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Regiments Vol. IV Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Regiments Vol. V Clark, Walter
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nort North Carolina Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Inc., The First One Hundred Years, 1898-1998
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. I Artillery Manarin, Louis H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. III Infantry Manarin, Louis H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. IV Infantry Manarin, Louis H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. IX Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. V Infantry Manarin, Louis H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. VI Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. VII Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. VIII Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. X Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. XI Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. XII Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. XIII Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Nort North Carolina Troops 1861 -1865, A Roster Vol. XIV Infantry Jordan, Weymouth T., Jr.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Offi Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Series II, Vol 2 Marsh, C. C.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Offi Official Records of the Union and Confederate Navies in the War of the Rebellion, Series II, Vol 3 Marsh, C. C.
View Record  Military / General / One One hundredth anniversary of the Army Medical Library, Washington D. C., 1936
View Record  Map / Historical / 01 Overmountain Victory, National Historic Trail (1780)
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Edga Partisans and Redcoats: the Southern conflict that turned the tide of the American Revolution. Edgar, Walter B
View Record  Military / Civil War / Reco Recollections and Reminiscences 1861-1865 Through World War I, Volume Two S.C. Division United Daughters of the Confederacy
View Record  States / Massachusetts / Reco Records of the Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, called out by the Governor Of Massachusetts to suppress a threatened invasion during the War of 1812-14 Pearson, Gardner W., Brig. Gen.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Revo Revolutionary War McDowell, Bart
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Revo Revolutionary war genealogy Schweitzer, George K
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Rost Roster of Revolutionary War Gravesites of Soldiers, Patriots and Ancestors Buried in North Carolina N. C. Society of DAR
View Record  Military / Revolution / Moss Roster of South Carolina patriots in the American Revolution. Moss, Bobby Moss
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Rost Roster of the Loyalists in the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge Moss, Bobby G
View Record  Military / Civil War / Blac Sketches of the members of Ranaleburg Riflemen, 13th Regiment, North Carolina Troops, Col. B Blackwelder, Linda Lawless, comp.
View Record  Military / Civil War / So Mu So Much Blood: The Civil War Letters of CSA Private William Wallace Beard 1861-1865 Cornue, Virginia and William R. Trotter
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Gord South Carolina and the American Revolution: a battlefield history. Gordon, John W
View Record  States / South Carolina / Stau South Carolina's antebellum militia Stauffer, Michael F
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Spir Spirit of Seventy-Six,The Story of the American Revolution as Told by Participants Commager, Henry Steele and Richard B. Morris
View Record  Military / Civil War / Stor Story of the Confederacy Henry, Robert Selph
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Bear The Battle of Cowpens; a documented narrative & troop movement maps. Bearss, Edwin C
View Record  States / Georgia / Myer The Children of pride. Myers, Robert Manson, ed.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Groe Tracing your Civil War ancestor. Groene, Bertram Hawthorne
View Record  Military / Civil War / Alba / 1993 Tyler, Texas, C.S.A., the Story of the Confederate States Ordnance Works at Tyler, Texas 1861 1865 Albaugh, William A., III
View Record  Military / Civil War / Unco Uncommon Soldier, The Civil War Letters of Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, Alias Pvt. Lyons Wakeman, 153rd Regiment, New York State Volunteers, 1862 - 1864 Burgess, Lauren Cook
View Record  United States / General / Lang Union 1812; the Americans who fought the second war of independence Langguth, A. J.
View Record  Military / Civil war / Whee Voices of the Civil War. Wheeler, Richard
View Record  Military / Civil War / Walt Walt Whitman And The Civil War, A Collection of Original Articles and Manuscripts Glicksberg, Charles I.
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War Of The Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And Confederate Armies, Series I - Volume 17, Operations in - West Tennessee and Northern Mississippi, June 10, 1862 - Jan. 20, 1863 National Historical Society
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War Of The Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union And Confederate Armies, Series I - Volume 5, Operations in - Maryland, Northern Virginia, and West Virginia, Aug. 1, 1861 - March 17,1862 National Historical Society
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I - Volume 28, Part I Reports, Operations in - The Coasts of South Carolina and Georgia, and in Middle and East Florida, June 12 - Dec. 31, 1863, Fort Wagner, Fort Sumter National Historical Society
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I - Volume 29, Part I Reports, Operations in - North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, Aug. 4 - Dec. 31, 1863, June 12 - Dec. 31, 1863, Bristoe, Mine Run National Historical Society
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I - Volume 35, Part II Correspondence, etc., Operations in - The Southern Coast, Jan. 1 - Nov. 13, 1864, June 12 - Dec. 31, 1863, Charleston, Harbor, Etc.. Olustee, Fla. National Historical Society
View Record  Military / Civil War / War War of the Rebellion: Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series III - Volume 1, Union Correspondence, etc., Operations in - The Southern Coast, Jan. 1 - Nov. 13, 1864, June 12 - Dec. 31, 1863 National Historical Society
View Record  Military / War of 1812 / Schw Ware of 1812 genealogy. Schweitzer, George K.,
View Record  Military / Civil War / Weep Weep Not For Me, Dear Mother, The War Experiences of Private Eli Pinson Landers of the 16th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers, the Flint Hill Grays, from Newly Discovered Letters to His Mother Roberson, Elizabeth Whitley
View Record  Military / Civil War / Ingm [Confederate POWs: soldiers & sailors who died in federal prisons] Ingmire, Frances Terry [and] Ericson, Carolyn Reeves, comp.
Records: 1 to 122 of 122