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Records: 1 to 27 of 27
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Ance Ancestor Trail in Ireland Begley, Donal F.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Kell Carolina Scots; an historical and genealogical study of over 100 years of emigration. Kelly, Douglas F with Caroline Switzer Kelly
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Clan Clan MacGregor (Clan Gregor) "The Nameless Clan" Kermack, W. R.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Clan Clan Map of the Scottish Highlands Johnston, W. & A.K. and G.W. Bacon
View Record  Family Books / Morrison / Clan Clan Morrison.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Dict Dictionary of Irish Biography, Third Edition Boylan, Henry
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Dire Directory of Scots in the Carolinas, 1680-1830 Dobson, David
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Hand Handbook on Irish Genealogy, How to Trace Your Ancestors and Relatives in Ireland
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / High High Kings: Arthur's Celtic Ancestors Chant, Joy
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / High Highland Clans Moncreiffe, Sir Iain
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Hist History of Scotland, Its Highlands, Regiments and Clans, Vol. II Browne, James
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Insi Inside Ireland, Genealogical Supplement McDowell, Henry and Patric Judge
View Record  Family Books / Hamel / Matt Middling folk; three seas, three centuries, one Scots-Irish family Matthews, Linda H
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Oxfo Oxford illustrated history of Ireland Foster, R. F.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Pock Pocket Guide to Irish Family Names Grehan, Ida
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Pock Pocket Guide to Irish Genealogy Mitchell, Brian
View Record  Family Books / White / Repr Representative descendants of the Scotch-Irish brothers Moses and Hugh White, c. 1700-2000 White, William B., Jr., Nancy L. Crockett, and Florence Adams Mims (1873-1951)
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Revo Revolutionary Spirit, A View of the Scotch-Irish Influence in America Brown, William L., Jr.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scotch - Irish, Vol I-II Hanna, Charles A.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scotch Highlanders in America, Historical Account of the Settlements Prior to the Peace of 1783, Together With Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches MacLean, J. P., Ph. D.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Bolt Scotch Irish pioneers in Ulster and America. Bolton, Charles Knowles
View Record  States / South Carolina / Scot Scotch-Irish migration to South Carolina, 1772; Rev. William Martin and his five shiploads of settlers. Stephenson, Jean
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish clan & family encyclopedia Way, George and Romilly Squire
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish clan & family encyclopedia Way, George and Romilly Squire
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish genealogy, 3rd ed., with material on heraldry, land and maps, DNA, Catholic records and more Durie, Bruce
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish kings Donaldson, Gordon
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / True True Image: Gravestone Art and the Culture of Scotch Irish Settlers in the Pennsylvania and Carolina Backcountry Patterson, Daniel W.
Records: 1 to 27 of 27