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Records: 1 to 27 of 27
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Abst Abstracts of the Deeds of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1785 Linn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Abst Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1762 Linn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Abst Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1763-1774 Linn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Abst Abstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Rowan County, North Carolina, 1775-1789 Vol. III Linn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Abst Abstracts of Wills and Estate Records of Rowan County, North Carolina, 1753-1805, and Tax Lists of 1759 and 1778 Linn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Youn Gravestone markings Union Lutheran Church Cemetery, Rowan County, N. C. Young, Lala Mae Agner and Martha Mary Withers Agner, comp.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Good Historic Salisbury and Rowan County in vintage postcards. Sides, Susan Goodman
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Hist History of Rowan County, NC Rumple, Rev. Jethro
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Insc Inscriptions on Stones in Thyatira Cemetery 1755 - 1966 Thyatira Memorial Association
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Rowan Journal of the Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina. Continues: Newsletter (The Genealogical Society of Rowan County). Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Holc Marriage and death notices from the up-country of South Carolina as taken from Greenville newspapers, 1826-1863. Holcomb, Brent H, comp.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Memb Member Pedigree Charts, Vol. I Genealogical Society of Rowan County
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Rowan Newsletter (The Genealogical Society of Rowan County). Continued by: Journal of the Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina. Genealogical Society of Rowan County, North Carolina.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Agne Record books Union Lutheran Church, Rowan County, N. Carolina, 1850-1937 Agner, Martha Withers
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rhin Rhinelanders on the Yadkin, The Story of the Pennsylvania Germans in Rowan and Cabarrus Hammer, Carl, Jr., Ph.D.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rowa Rowan County Cemeteries, Vol. X Genealogical Society of Rowan County
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Rowan Rowan County Register. Other titles: RCR; Rowan County, North Carolina, Register. Jo White Linn, editor
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rowa Rowan County, NC Tax Lists 1757 -1800 Annotated Transcription Lynn, Jo White
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Ingm Rowan County, North Carolina marriage records, 1754-1866 Ingmire, Frances Terry
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rowa Rowan County, North Carolina: Vacant Land Entries, 1778-1789 Enochs, Richard A.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rowa Rowan County: A Brief History Brawley, James S.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Sali Salisbury Prison, A Case Study of Confederate Military Prisons 1861-1865 Brown, Louis A.
View Record  Family Books / Rodgers / Wear The family and descendants of Robert Rodgers and Margaret Thornton. Wear, Kyle
View Record  Family Books / Morrison / Lore The Morrison family of the Rocky River settlement of North Carolina: history and genealogy. Lore, Adelaide and Eugenia, and Lt. Col. Robert Hall Morrison
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Agne The Old Lutheran Cemetery, Salisbury, North Carolina, since 1768 Agner, Martha Withers and Fowler, Mary Jane, eds.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Braw The Rowan story, 1753-1953; a narrative history of Rowan County, North Carolina Brawley, James S
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Thya Thyatria Presbyterian Church 1972-1973 Directory
Records: 1 to 27 of 27