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Records: 1 to 11 of 11
Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Abst Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books 4, 7, and B2 Pruitt, Dr. A. B.
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Abst Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books D, C2, and E Pruitt, Dr. A. B.
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Abst Abstracts of Deeds: Anson Co, NC Books H1, K, and H Pruitt, Dr. A. B.
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Anso Anson County , North Carolina, Abstract of Wills - 1750-1880 Carpenter, Reva N.
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Anso Anson County, North Carolina: Abstracts of Early Records McBee, May Wilson
View Record  NC Counties / Anson / Bice Bicentennial history of Rocky River Missionary Baptist Church, Burnsville Township, Anson County, NC, 1776-1976, Vol. 1 Staton, John Samuel, Rev.
View Record  Map / NC / Anson Co. / NC Co 02 Historical Research Map of Anson County, NC Roads (1982) Stout, G.P.
View Record  Family Books / Moore / Aust Moore families of Anson and Union counties, North Carolina,1750 - 1988 Austin, Nancy Jane Moore and Mary Lois Moore Yandle.
View Record  Family Books / Nash / Dees Nash: the descendants of Richard Nash, 1785-1987. Deese, Virginia Helms, comp.
View Record  NC Counties / Granville / Hoff The Granville District of North Carolina 1748-1763. Hofmann, Margaret M.
View Record  NC Counties / Union / Unio Union County, NC First Tax List - Anson Side, Anson Petition, First Tax - Meck. Side Meck Petition Kerr, A. Hub
Records: 1 to 11 of 11