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Records: 1 to 34 of 34
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View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Prog "Progress Magazine" of Concord Telephone Company, September 1983 (includes History of Rocky River Presbyterian Church)
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Abst Abstracts of Land Surveys and Warrants: Cabarrus County, NC 1792-1916 Pruitt, Dr. A. B.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Bapt Baptisms of St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cabarrus County NC from 1800 to 1847 Translated from the German
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Brie Brief History of St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cabarrus County NC from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time Steffey, Sidney D.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County heritage, North Carolina
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County Lutherans, Germans and Other Churches
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County NC Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1793-1797 and Deed Books 1,2,3, 1793-1801 Schneider, Lois M.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April 17 1797-April 17 1805 Bost, Margaret and Clarence Horton
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County North Carolina court minutes (Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions) 1793-1797 Camin, Betty J.
View Record  Map / NC / Cabarrus Co. / NC Co 13 Cabarrus County, NC, Surveys (1747-1916; 1,500surveys in 24 maps) Simpson, H Mitchel and A. B. Pruitt
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Bost Cabarrus County, North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July 15, 1805 - April 23, 1817; minutes abstract with Deed and Will Book notations. Bost, Margaret B, abstracted by; Horton, Clarence; edited by; Hayer, Larry, indexed by
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus Revolutionary Patriot Roll Bridges, Kathryn L et al compilers
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Calv Calvary Lutheran Church, Concord, North Carolina, A History 1913 - 1996 Cruse, Bernard W., Jr.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Conc Concord Eury, Michael
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Conc Concord 1892 [and later] Progress Concord Telephone Company
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Patt Concord and Cabarrus County revisited Patterson, George Michael
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Bost Dutch Buffalo Creek Meeting House, 1745-1806, Part I. & Bethel Bear Creek United Church of Christ, 1806-1974, Part II, [by] Thomas L. Moose [and] Reedy Jordan Moose. Bostian, Frank K [and] Bernard W Cruse
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / ADC Greater Charlotte, North Carolina: street map book. ADC: the map people
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Hist Historic Architecture of Cabarrus County NC, Written and Photographed Kaplin, Peter R.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Hist Historic Rocky River Church buildings and burying grounds, Cabarrus County, Concord, North Carolina, 1751-1958 Blume, Clarence F. and Blume, Mabel Rumple, comp.
View Record  Map / NC / Cabarrus Co. / NC Co 13 Historical Research Map of Cabarrus County, NC Roads (1982) Stout, G.P.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Hist Historical sketches of Lutheran Congregations in Cabarrus, Stanly and Rowan Counties
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Hist History of African Americans in Cabarrus County, Vol I Robinson, Harold O.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Home Home of Captain Archibald McCurdy, Pioneer, Soldier, Statesman 1752-1843, Progress August 1969 Concord Telephone Company
View Record  Map / NC / Mecklenburg Co. / Meck 04 Mecklenburg, Cabarrus & Union Counties, NC Waterways & Townships and Some Early Churches (2002) Johnson, Donna Joy
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Nort North Carolina DAR, Genealogical Records Committee report: Bible records, Concord, North Carolina North Carolina DAR, Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter.
View Record  NC Counties / Rowan / Rhin Rhinelanders on the Yadkin, The Story of the Pennsylvania Germans in Rowan and Cabarrus Hammer, Carl, Jr., Ph.D.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Ship St. John's Lutheran Church, 1745-1963: a history Shipton, C Lee, ed.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba The Cabarrus Black Boys Morrison, Janet
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Cabarrus The Cabarrus golden nugget. Continues: "The Golden nugget" Cabarrus Genealogical Society.
View Record  Family Books / Fegert / Crus The Descendants of Hans Fegert and Dorothy Lundsteen Cruse, Bernard W, comp.
View Record  Family Books / Morrison / Lore The Morrison family of the Rocky River settlement of North Carolina: history and genealogy. Lore, Adelaide and Eugenia, and Lt. Col. Robert Hall Morrison
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Pres The Presbyterian congregation on Rocky River Spence, Thomas Hugh, Jr.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Tour Tour of Historic Churches, Presbytery of Concord April 16, May 7, May 21 1988
Records: 1 to 34 of 34