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Records: 1201 to 1300 of 1542
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View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scotch - Irish, Vol I-II Hanna, Charles A.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scotch Highlanders in America, Historical Account of the Settlements Prior to the Peace of 1783, Together With Notices of Highland Regiments and Biographical Sketches MacLean, J. P., Ph. D.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Bolt Scotch Irish pioneers in Ulster and America. Bolton, Charles Knowles
View Record  States / South Carolina / Scot Scotch-Irish migration to South Carolina, 1772; Rev. William Martin and his five shiploads of settlers. Stephenson, Jean
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish clan & family encyclopedia Way, George and Romilly Squire
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish clan & family encyclopedia Way, George and Romilly Squire
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish genealogy, 3rd ed., with material on heraldry, land and maps, DNA, Catholic records and more Durie, Bruce
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Scot Scottish kings Donaldson, Gordon
View Record  North Carolina / General / Jone Scoundrels, rogues and heroes of the Old North State Jones, H G
View Record  United States / General / Sear Search for the Passengers of the Mary & John, 1630, Volume 20, West Country Ships and Pasengers, 1620-1643 Mary & John Clearing House
View Record  How To / Research / Sear Searching American Land and Deed Records Carter, Fran
View Record  NC Counties / Alamance / Seco Second Hawfields Burying Ground in Alamance County - 1783-1975
View Record  States / Virginia / Seed Seed-Bed of The Republic, early Botetourt; a study of the pioneers in the Upper (Southern) Valley of Virginia Stoner, Robert Douthat
View Record  States / South Carolina / McCa Selected Civil War bibliography McCawley, Peter
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sesq Sesquicentennial history of Hopewell Presbyterian Church, York County, South Carolina - 1808-1958 Bailey, Rev. John C
View Record  States / Maryland / Cold Settlers of Maryland, 1731-1750. Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  Family Books / Setzer / Setz Setzer Setser genealogy Setzer, John Lee, Sr., comp.
View Record  Family Books / Shands / Shan Shands family history Shands, Wayland Arthur, and the late Bernardo Hoff Knight.
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Shar Sharon Presbyterian Church, 1831 - 2006, Sharing Our Heritage, 175 years of Faith, Fellowship & Food
View Record  Family Books / Shealy / Shea Shealy family genealogy, 1752-1992. Shealy, George Benet & Nancy Elaine Shealy
View Record  States / Virginia / Shen Shenandoah County, Virginia marriages, 1778 - 1850 Vogt, John and T. William Kethley, Jr.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Crai Shiloh Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Lancaster County, South Carolina, Cemetery inscriptions Craig, Eloise, comp.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Shor Short, Short Course in the Use of North Carolina's Early County-Level Records in Genealogical Research Hofmann, Margaret M.
View Record  Family Books / Elliot / Sign Signal Tower of the Elliot Clan Society, USA [newsletter]
View Record  NC Countties / Union / Sket Sketches of Monroe and Union County; together with general and individual characteristics of their people and a description of the natural resources and business enterprises. Stack & Beasley
View Record  States / Tennessee / Sket Sketches of Tennessee's Pioneer Baptist Preachers Burnett, J. J.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Blac Sketches of the members of Ranaleburg Riflemen, 13th Regiment, North Carolina Troops, Col. B Blackwelder, Linda Lawless, comp.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Hunt Sketches of Western North Carolina; historical and biographical. Hunter, Cyrus L
View Record  Military / Civil War / So Mu So Much Blood: The Civil War Letters of CSA Private William Wallace Beard 1861-1865 Cornue, Virginia and William R. Trotter
View Record  Family Books / Brown / Soak Soaking the yule log: biographical sketches of the Brown, Cheshier, Sain, and allied families, 1749-1995 Bennett, Katie Brown
View Record  North Carolina / General / Soci Society in Colonial North Carolina Watson, Alan D.
View Record  Family Books / PeirceĀ  / Solo Solomon Peirce family genealogy, containing a record of his descendants; also an appendix containing the ancestry of Solomon Peirce and his wife, Amity Fessenden. Bailey, Marietta Peirce, comp. & arrg.
View Record  Some descendants of Thomas Williamson the Elder of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia
View Record  NC Counties / Halifax / Some Some Bible Records of Halifax and Northampton Counties Local History Class, Halifax Community College
View Record  Family Books / Morrison / Some Some descendants of James Morrison (1697 - 1778) of Providence, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Morrison, William P. and William G. McElroy and L. Leona McElroy
View Record  Family Books / Williamson / Vaug Some descendants of Thomas Williamson the Elder of (Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia Vaughn, Michael J "Mike"
View Record  Family Books / McCracken / Some Some McCracken gleanings DeZern, Thomas I.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Some Some South Carolina county records, Vol. 2 Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr.
View Record  Family Books / General / Some Some Southern colonial families, vol. 5 Avant, David A., Jr.
View Record  Family Books / Lewis / Some Some Surry County Lewises and their kin, 1791-1976 Mock, Ella Mae Lewis
View Record  Family Books / Spruill / Some Somerset homecoming: recovering a lost heritage Redford, Dorothy Spruill
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sons Sons of Privilege, The Charleston Light Dragoons in the Civil War Emerson, W. Eric
View Record  Family Books / Sorrells / Sorr Sorrells families of the South, selected Sorrells of Rutherford, Burke and Surry Counties, North Carolina Prince, Thelma Faye Cain, comp.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Less Sources for the American Revolution at the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Lesser, Charles H, comp.
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Gord South Carolina and the American Revolution: a battlefield history. Gordon, John W
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Chronology 1497-1970 Rogers, George C., Jr.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Hels South Carolina court records: an introduction for genealogists Helsley, Alexis J. and Michael E. Stauffer
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution, Bible Records
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1719-1772, Vol. III, 1755-1768, Books QQ-H-3, Holcomb, Brent H.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1773-1778, Vol. III, Books F-4 through X-4 Langley, Clara A.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Genealogical Research Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina in the Mexican War, A History of the Palmetto Regiment of Volunteers, 1846 - 1917 Meyer, Jack Allen
View Record  States / South Carolina / Holc South Carolina marriages, 1688-1799 Holcomb, Brent H, comp.
View Record  States / South Caroliina / Holc South Carolina marriages, 1800-1820. Holcomb, Brent H, comp.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Memorials: Abstracts of Land Titles, Volume 1, 1774-1776 Motes, Jesse H
View Record  States / South Carolina / Holc South Carolina naturalizations, 1783-1850. Holcomb, Brent H, comp.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Wood South Carolina postcards Woody, Howard and Thomas L. Johnson.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Burt South Carolina silversmiths,1690-1860. Burton, E Milby
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina Wills, 1670 - 1853 or Later, Compiled from C.W.A., W.P.A. Microfilms and Original Volumes Warren, Mary Bondurant
View Record  States / South Carolina / Stau South Carolina's antebellum militia Stauffer, Michael F
View Record  States / South Carolina / Sout South Carolina, A Synoptic History for Laymen Jones, Lewis P.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Hick South Carolina: a guide to county records Hicks, Theresa M
View Record  United States / General / Sout Southern Colonial Frontier, 1607-1763 Robinson, W. Stitt
View Record  United States / General / Sout Southern Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1689, Volume One, A History of the South Craven, Wesley Frank
View Record  NC Counties / Brunswick / Sout Southport (Smithville): a chronology, vol. 1 (1520-1887) Reaves, Bill
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Spir Spirit of a Proud People Yandle, Lois Moore
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Spir Spirit of Seventy-Six,The Story of the American Revolution as Told by Participants Commager, Henry Steele and Richard B. Morris
View Record  North Carolina / General / Spir Spirit Up The People, North Carolina, The First Two Hundred Years Lewis, Taylor, Jr. and Joanne Young
View Record  States / Virginia / Spot Spotsylvania County, Virginia: Records 1722-1838 Crozier, William A.
View Record  Family Books / Spurling / Spur Spurling family history in Virginia & North Carolina with early history of Spurlings, Sperlings & Sparlings in many other areas. Spurling, Norman, comp.
View Record  NC Counties / New Hanover / St. J. St. James Church Wilmington, NC, Historical Records 1737-1852 Kellam, Ida Brooks and Elizabeth Francenia McCoy
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Ship St. John's Lutheran Church, 1745-1963: a history Shipton, C Lee, ed.
View Record  NC Counties / Gaston / Hand Stanley. Handsel, Joyce; Smith, Pat; Wood, Ruth
View Record  Family Books / Stanly / Stan Stanly (Stanley) Family and the Historic John Wright Stanly House Tryon Palace Commission
View Record  North Carolina / General / Stat State Census of North Carolina 1784-1787
View Record  NC Counties / Dobbs / Stat State of North Carolina Entries of Claims for Lands Within the County of Dobbs 1778-1790 Murphy, William L., Jr.
View Record  Family Books / Staton / Stat Staton history, revised 1982 Staton, John Samuel, Rev.
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Stee Steele Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Cemetery Records 1760-January 2006
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Stee Steele Creek Presbyterian Church, The History Of, 1745 - 1978
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Stee Steele Creek; an early history of the Steele Creek Community, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Blackwelder, Linda Lawless
View Record  NC Counties / Stokes / Stok Stokes County's Old, Odd and Other Stuff Carrol, Robert (Bob)
View Record  NC Counties / Stokes / Stok Stokes County, North Carolina: Deeds Vol. I & II, 1787-1797 Absher, Mrs. W. O.
View Record  NC Counties / Stokes / Stok Stokes County, North Carolina: Wills Vol. I - IV, 1790-1864 Absher, Mrs. W. O.
View Record  NC Counties / Yancey / Stor Stories 'Neath the Roan - Memories of People of Yancey, Mitchell and Avery Counties Ledford, Miriam
View Record  NC Counties / Henderson / Stor Story of Henderson County Patton, Sadie Smathers
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Stor Story of Rockford Houck, Lucy Hamlin
View Record  States / Virginia / Stor Story of Strasburg and other historical articles as published in the Bicentennial Edition of the Northern Virginia Daily, September 20 1961 Cadden, Virginia Hinkins
View Record  Military / Civil War / Stor Story of the Confederacy Henry, Robert Selph
View Record  North Carolina / General / From Strangers in high places; the story of the Great Smoky Mountains Frome, Michael
View Record  Family Books / Stribling / Stri Striblings of Walnut Hill and Related Families Stribling, Bruce H
View Record  Family Books / Barbee / Study Study of the Barbee Families in Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina Shields, Ruth Herndon and Belle Lewter West and Kathryn Crossley Stone
View Record  Family Books / Stultz / Stul Stultz Families of Surry Co. NC Sexton, Artelia "Granie" Mitchell
View Record  States / Tennessee / Sull Sullivan County, Tennessee: families and history, 1779-2006, vol. 2
View Record  States / Tennessee / Sumn Sumner County, Tennessee - Abstracts of Will Books 1 & 2 - 1788-1842 Whitley, Edythe R.
View Record  Fiction / General / Sunn Sunny side of genealogy Baselt, Fonda D
View Record  Family Books / Barbee / Supp Supplement to a Study of the Barbee Families of Chatham, Orange and Wake Counties in North Carolina Stone, Kathryn Crossley
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Surn Surname Index Submitted by the Members of the Olde Mecklenburg Genealogy Society - 2000 Richter, Diane
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Surn Surname List and an Index to Ancestor Lineage Charts on File for the Charter Members of Mecklenburg (NC) Genealogy Society, Inc. - 1982
View Record  NC Counties / Surry / Surr Surry County Book, Recollections of the Life, History and Culture of Old Surry County in Northwestern NC Surry County American Revolution Bicentennial Comission
View Record  States / Virginia / Surr Surry County records, Virginia 1652-1684 Davis, Eliza Timberlake
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Records: 1201 to 1300 of 1542