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Records: 301 to 400 of 1542
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View Record  States / Virginia / Chro Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement of Virginia; extracted from the original county records of Augusta County, 1745-1800. Chalkley, Lyman
View Record  How To / Document / Cite Cite Your Sources Lackey, Richard S.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Citi Citizens And Immigrants - S.C. 1768, Abstracted from Contemporary Records Warren, Mary Bondurant
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Jordan, Robert Paul
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Books, A Priced Checklist With Advice Broadfoot, Tom
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Civi Civil War Charlotte, Last Capital of the Confederacy Hardy, Michael C.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Christmases, Original Stories About Some Unique Characters Living in Troubled Times Guthrie, Lula Mac Pherson
View Record  Military / Civil War / Schw Civil War genealogy. Schweitzer, George K.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Handbook Price, William H.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War in West Texas and New Mexico Wilson, John P and Jerry Thompson
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, Technical Volume I: Appendices
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Sites Advisory Commission Report on the Nation's Civil War Battlefields, Technical Volume II: Battle Summaries
View Record  Family Books / Lipe / Brot Civil War tragedy: the Lipe Family of Mooresville, North Carolina. Brotherton, Marvin K. (Ken)
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Trust's Official Guidebook to the Civil War Discovery Trail Davis, Hattie Caldwell
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War Women McSherry, Frank, Jr. and Charles G. Waugh and Martin Greenberg
View Record  Military / Civil War / Civi Civil War, Strange & Fascinating Facts Davis, Burke
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Clan Clan MacGregor (Clan Gregor) "The Nameless Clan" Kermack, W. R.
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Clan Clan Map of the Scottish Highlands Johnston, W. & A.K. and G.W. Bacon
View Record  Family Books / Morrison / Clan Clan Morrison.
View Record  Family Books / Smith / Clan Clan Smith Society, Inc. (U.S. Branch) Smith, Emery, Jr.
View Record  NC Counties / Cleveland / Cald Cleaveland [i.e. Cleveland] County, North Carolina Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1844-1854. Caldwell, Juanita Evans.
View Record  Family Books / Clegg / Cleg Cleggs of Old Chatham; the ancestry, family, descendants of Thomas A. Clegg and Bridget Polk Clegg Family Association
View Record  NC Counties / Cleveland / Clev Cleveland & Rutherford Counties, NC Confederate Soldiers 1861- 1865
View Record  NC Counties / Cleveland / Broa Cleveland Co., N. C. marriage register, 1886-1894. [Broad River Genealogical Society]
View Record  NC Counties / Cleveland / Clev Cleveland County Heritage, NC Vol. II-2004
View Record  How To / Kids / Clim Climbing Your Family Tree, Online and Off-Line Genealogy for Kids Wolfman, Ira
View Record  United States / General / Clin Clinchfield Railroad: The Story of a Trade Route Across the Blue Ridge Mountains Way, William, Jr.
View Record  States / Tennessee / Coff Coffee County, Tennessee: Wills 1833-1860 Works Project Administraion
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Hill Col. William Hill's memoirs of the Revolution Salley, A S, Jr., ed.
View Record  Fiction / General / Coll Collecting dead relatives Galeener-Moore, Laverne
View Record  Family Books / Collins - Ritch / Coll Collins - Ritch papers Collins, James Perry, Sr.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Land Colonial and revolutionary history of Upper South Carolina ... Landrum, J. B. O.
View Record  NC Counties / Bertie / Colo Colonial Bertie County, North Carolina: Deed Books A - H 1720-1757 Bell, Mary Best
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial clergy of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina Weis, Frederick Lewis, Rev., Th.D.
View Record  NC Counties / Granville / Colo Colonial Granville County and Its People (Loose Leaves from "The Lost Tribes of North Carolina") Ray, Worth S.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Histories of North Carolina Burney, Eugenia
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Homes in North Carolina Allcott, John V.
View Record  Family Books / Waddell  / Colo Colonial officer and his times 1754-1773: a biographical sketch of Gen. Hugh Waddell of North Carolina Waddell, Alfred Moore
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Charters and Constitution 1578-1698 Parker, Mattie Erma Edward
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Higher-Court Records 1670-1696 Parker, Mattie Erma Edward
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Higher-Court Records 1697-1701 Parker, Mattie Erma Edward
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Higher-Court Records 1702-1708, Vol. 4 Price, William S., Jr.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Higher-Court Records 1709-1723, Vol. 5 Price, William S., Jr.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, North Carolina Higher-Court Records 1724-1730, Vol. 6 Cain, Robert J.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colonial Records of North Carolina, Records of the Executive Council 1664-1734, Vol. 7 Cain, Robert J.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, Series 1, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, 23 April 1750-31 August 1751 Olsberg, R. Nicholas
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, Series 1, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, November 14, 1751 - October 7, 1752 Lipscomb, Terry W. and R. Nicholas Olsberg
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, Series 1, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, November 21, 1752 - September 6, 1754 Lipscomb, Terry W.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, 1754 - 1755 Lipscomb, Terry W.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, 1755 - 1757 Lipscomb, Terry W.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial Records of South Carolina, The Journal of the Commons House of Assembly, January 19, 1748 - June 29, 1748 Easterby, J. H.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Colo Colonial South Carolina, A History Weir, Robert M.
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial Virginia; a picture book to remember Her by Gibbon and Smart
View Record  States / Virginia / Colo Colonial Williamsburg, Its Buildings and Gardens Kocher, A. Lawrence and Howard Dearstyne
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colony of North Carolina 1735-1764, Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol 1 Hofman, Margaret
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colony of North Carolina 1765-1775, Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol 2 Hofman, Margaret
View Record  North Carolina / General / Colo Colony of North Carolina 1765-1775, Abstracts of Land Patents, Vol 2 Hofman, Margaret
View Record  NC Counties / Columbus / Colu Columbus County, NC - Heritage 1808 - 2004
View Record  States / South Carolina / Comm Commanders at Kings Mountain, J. D. Bailey Bailey, J.D.
View Record  NC Counties / Alamance / Comp Company Shops: The Town Built By a Railroad Stokes, Durward T.
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1660 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1661-1699 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1700-1750 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  United States / General / Comp Complete Book of Emigrants, 1751-1776 Coldham, Peter Wilson
View Record  Family Books / Teeter / Comp Complete registry of the Teeters in America Taylor, Sharon
View Record  NC Counties / Burke / Comp Comprehensive full name iIndex for cemeteries of Burke County, Vols. I-IV Broad River Genealogical Society
View Record  United States / General / Conc Concise History of the American Republic Morison, Samuel Eliot, Henry Steele Commager, and William Leuchtenburg
View Record  United States / General / Conc Concise Study Guide to the American Frontier Klose, Nelson
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Conc Concord Eury, Michael
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Conc Concord 1892 [and later] Progress Concord Telephone Company
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Patt Concord and Cabarrus County revisited Patterson, George Michael
View Record  Family Books / Condor / Cond Condor data: limbs and twigs of ancestors - Condor, Steed, Smart Richardson, Marian McMichael
View Record  Military / Civil War / Alba / 1993 Confederate faces; a pictorial review of the individuals in the Confederate Armed Forces Albaugh, William A., III
View Record  Military / Civil War / Wait Confederate military hospitals in Richmond. Waitt, Robert W. (Jr.)
View Record  Military / Civil War / Neag Confederate research sources; a guide to archive collections Neagles, James C.
View Record  Military / Civil War / Conf Confederate Women Wiley, Bell Irvin
View Record  NC Counties / Lincoln / Youn Confederates in the bloodline of African Americans Young, Rudolph
View Record  Family Books / Conkle / Conk Conkle - Kunkle - Gunkle - A Quarterly Newsletter
View Record  Family Books / Cooper / Coop Cooper, Laurence, Dowdle, Smith, Clem and allied families Brown, Velna Cooper
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / Ande Cornwallis in Charlotte; advance, battle, occupation and retreat followed by American Forces at Camp New Providence, September-December 1780. Anderson, William Lee
View Record  Family Books / Cotton / Cott Cotton: the Cottons of Catahula and related families Cotton, William Davis and Carole Cotton-Winn
View Record  North Carolina / General / Coun County Court in North Carolina Before 1750 McCain, Paul M.
View Record  States / Tennessee / Cour Court Minutes of Franklin County, TN - 1832-1837
View Record  NC Counties / Granville / Cour Court Minutes of Granville County, North Carolina 1746-1820 Gwynn, Zae Hargett
View Record  States / Tennessee / Cour Court Minutes of Smith County, Tennessee 1799-1804 Works Project Administraion
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Cove Covenant Presbyterian Church, A Brief History Lilly, Virginia Simmons
View Record  Family Books / Covington / Covi Covington: in search of our ancestors, vol. 3, Elbert E. Covington, Mrs. Robert Eugene Harris, Sr. (Marie Matlock) [Relates to Augusta County, VA]
View Record  Family Books / Cowgill / Cowg Cowgill history; genealogical research. Cowgill, Beatrice Eleanora, comp.
View Record  How To / Research / Cras Crash Course in Family History, 4th Edition Larsen, Paul
View Record  States / Kentucky / Crit Crittenden County, Kentucky Marriage Records, Vol. 1, 1842-1865, Abstracts of Wills, Book 1, 1842-1924 Jerome, Brenda Joyce
View Record  NC Counties / Avery / Cros Crossnore School Incorporated, Crossnore NC
View Record  Family Books / Cuthbertson / Cuth Cuthbertson families of Mecklenburg and Union counties of North Carolina, 1711-1992 Vick, Frances Cuthbertson, Nancy Jane Moore Austin, Charles Alexander Adcock; Compilers
View Record  Church / Methodist / Cycl Cyclopaedia of Methodism Simpson, Matthew, D.D., LLD.
View Record  Czech / General / Czec Czech Immigration Passenger Lists, Vol IX - Baltimore 1880-1899 Baca, Leo
View Record  Czech / General / Czec Czech Immigration Passenger Lists, Vol VI - New York 1881-1886 and Galveston 1880-1886 Baca, Leo
View Record  Czech / General / Czec Czechs in Oklahoma Bicha. Karel D
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Library Catalog, Volume Three, Centennial Supplement; Acquisitions, 1985-1991
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part I, A-F, 1990
View Record  Military / Revolutionary / DAR DAR Patriot Index Centennial Edition, Part II, G-O, 1990
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Records: 301 to 400 of 1542