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Records: 401 to 500 of 1911
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart M243 Braswell, Carriker, Frazier, Grass, Hagler, Haigler, Judkins, Karr, Marks, Morrison, Pervines, Rushing, Smith, Wallace, Wilson Marks, Linda H.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Brie Brief History of St John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cabarrus County NC from Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time Steffey, Sidney D.
View Record  United States / General / Bris Bristol And America, A Record of the First Settlers in the Colonies of North America 1654-1685
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart C212 Britt, Collier, Connolly, Ferrar, Ferris/Farris, Frederick, Gardner, Genaty, Gray, Halsey, Harris, Horton, Howard, Lewis, Martin, McGinnis, Mimms, Mims, Moseley, Pharris, Poor, Porter, Pryor, Saunders, Southern, Weldy, Winston, Winters, Woodenoth, Woodson Collier, Felix E., Jr.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart S129 Britt, Daniel, Ginn, Howell, Newsome, Parks, Pate, Smith, Stallings, Strickland, Suggs, Wells, Wooten Smith, James E.
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Broa Broad Axe and the Forge or A Narrative of Unity Church Neighborhood, From Colonial Times Until the Close of the Confederate War McDowell
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart P162 Brode, Callahan, Camp, Dreydler, Foster, Henecke, Johnson, Little, Palmer, Pilzner Palmer, Larry
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart W168 Broithwaite, Brown, Browne, Clayton, Cockerham, Cockrane, Cook, Curtis, Falls, Foote, Hadley, Hartley, Hough, Houser, Huff, Hutton, Jones, Kiernan, Mickels, Miller, Pinkney, Reece, Reese, Reynoldson, Royale, Talbot, Williams, Worley Williams, Lois Houser
View Record  Brooks and kindred families Kellam, Ida Brooks
View Record  Family Books / Brooks / Kell Brooks and kindred families Kellam, Ida Brooks
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart G137 Brooks, Brookshire, Brown, Cross, Davenport, Davis, Dooley, German, Goforth, Green, Hall, Heifner, Hogan, Parmley, Teems, Tilley German, Lawrence J.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart F149 Brooks, Earnest, Flow, Fritz, Frizzelle, Jones, Lee, Moree, Moree/Morie, Scarlett Frizzelle, Tomasene Flow
View Record  Military / Civil War / Brot Brother Against Brother, The War Begins Davis, William C.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart S184 Brown, Byrd, Cobb, Diggle, Elrod, Frickey, Green, Grose, Hall, Hood, Howard, Keasler, Lonergan, McDade, Pyburn, Schoettler, Shaffer, Sloan, Young Schoettler, Ellouise Diggle
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart C172 Brown, Caldwell, Earnhardt, Givens, Harris, Johnston, Mayhew, Morrow, Rankin, Rimmer Caldwell, Ken
View Record  NC Counties / Brunswick / Brun Brunswick County, North Carolina, Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1782-1786, 1789-1801 Vol. I Thompson, Doris Lancaster
View Record  States / Virginia / Brun Brunswick County, Virginia, 1720 - 1975 Neale, Gay
View Record  States / Virginia / Brut Bruton Parish Churchyard and Church: a guide to the tombsontes, mounuments, and mural tablets; with a foldout map.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart E116 Buchanan, Costner, Crowder, Davis, Eudy, Fortenberry, Froneberger, Gibson, Haynes, Lucas, McCall, Stockton, Webb, Wilkie, Wilson Eudy, Pat
View Record  Picture #4 Buford Hotel - Charlotte (c. 1895)
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Union Bulletin (The Carolinas Genealogical Society). Continues The Carolinas Genealogica Society bulletin. The Carollinas Genealogical Society
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Lincoln Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County The Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County
View Record  Family Books / Bumpass / Bump Bumpass family from Person County, NC Bumpus, Anne S. and James R. Townsend
View Record  United States / General / Burk Burke's American Families with British Ancestry - The Lineages of 1,600 Families of British Origin Now Resident in the United States of America
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart K130 Burke, Cooper, Garland, Hedges, Hendry, Henry, Herring, Hubbard, Irwin, Jacobs, James, Kelso, Kerr, Link, McAfee, McDuffie, McMurchie, Moseley, Murphy, Slocumb, Stevens, Stocking, Warren, Young Kerr, Algernon Hubbard, Jr.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart B250 Burke, Cowan, Green, Manners, McKinley Burke, Barbara R.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart H237 Burleson, Cole, Connoway, Ellis, Helms, Howell, McGuire, Mitchell, Poor/e, Smith, Sumner, Swinford, Turner Helms, Betty Sumner
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart D155 Burnell, Cox, Dotts, Galloway, Hancock, Hipp, Kelley, Maynor, Smith, Westmoreland, Yancey, Yeates/Yeats Dotts, Helen D.
View Record  States / Kentucky / Burn Burnside, Kentucky, 1890-1990 The First Hundred Years The Historical Committee
View Record  North Carolina / General / Busy Busy North Carolina Women Walker, Harriette Hammer
View Record  States / Alabama / Butl Butler County, Alabama, obituaries Barefield, Marilyn Davis
View Record  Family Books / Butrell / Butr Butrell family group sheets
View Record  Family Books / Buttrill / Butt Buttrill family, genealogy and family history Butrill and Reid
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart D147 Bynum, Davies, Edwards, Folmar, Ireland, Milam, Miller, Rodgers, Sikes, Stanfield, Walker, Whitworth Davies, Martha S. Bynum
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart W134 Byram, Eason, Grider, Gullion, Hinds, Hopkins, Kirkland, Moore, Nix, Oakes, Ramey, Rhodes, Roberts, Roden, Shipp, Thompson, Wilson, Zimmerman Wilson, Paul D.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart D158 Byrum, Caldwell, Carr, Cory, Dawson, Hall, Hawley, Jacoby, Johns, Knauer, Lowe, Mitchell, Nichols, Ohlrogge, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Schaffer, Shideler, Suess Dawson, Jack and Gertie
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County heritage, North Carolina
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County Lutherans, Germans and Other Churches
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County NC Abstracts of Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1793-1797 and Deed Books 1,2,3, 1793-1801 Schneider, Lois M.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April 17 1797-April 17 1805 Bost, Margaret and Clarence Horton
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus County North Carolina court minutes (Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions) 1793-1797 Camin, Betty J.
View Record  Map / NC / Cabarrus Co. / NC Co 13 Cabarrus County, NC, Surveys (1747-1916; 1,500surveys in 24 maps) Simpson, H Mitchel and A. B. Pruitt
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Bost Cabarrus County, North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July 15, 1805 - April 23, 1817; minutes abstract with Deed and Will Book notations. Bost, Margaret B, abstracted by; Horton, Clarence; edited by; Hayer, Larry, indexed by
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Cabarrus Cabarrus Genealogy Society journal. Continued by: "The Golden nugget" Cabarrus Genealogical Society.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Caba Cabarrus Revolutionary Patriot Roll Bridges, Kathryn L et al compilers
View Record  Journals / NC Counties / Caldwell Caldwell County Genealogical Society Journal. Cover title: The Journal of the Caldwell County Genealogy Society Caldwell County Genealogy Society.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart L137 Caldwell, Covington, Elder, Ely, Hobbs, Johnston, Lowe, Mayhew, Pollard, Shelton, Waggoner Lowe, Paul
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart C161 Caldwell, Dellinger, Ferguson, Foster, Gray, James, Jones, Kendall, Paisley, Regan, Shelton, Swanson, Thompson, Triplett, White, Womack Caldwell, James F.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart S208 Calhoun, Head, Lee, Milwee, Moss, Schulte Schulte, Kenneth C.
View Record  NC Counties / Cabarrus / Calv Calvary Lutheran Church, Concord, North Carolina, A History 1913 - 1996 Cruse, Bernard W., Jr.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Camd Camden District, S.C., Wills and Administrations, 1781-1787 Holcomb, Brent H. and Elmer O. Parker
View Record  States / South Carolina / Camd Camden, South Carolina, Kershaw County, Scenic - Historic
View Record  Family Books / Littlejohn / Came Cameron Littlejohn genealogy McConnell, Thomas R., Jr.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart S209 Camp, Herrington, Hood, Jameson, Michael, Northcutt, Presley, Rodgers, Rosberry, Ruddick, Saunders, Szymanski, Trantham, Whitt, Winn Szymanski, Debbra A.
View Record  Ancestor Charts / Chart V105 Campbell, Carter, Cottrell, Furlong, Hale, Hayes, Mills, Stinnett, Tillman, Tuck, Vaughn, Watson, Wheat Vaughn, Elbyrne G.
View Record  NC Counties / New Hanover / Cape Cape Fear Bounty: Collection of Short Stories Reflecting the History and Culture of the Lower Cape Fear
View Record  Family Books / Little / Capt Capt. Daniel Little and his contemporaries, 1753-1789
View Record  Family Books / Brown / Capt Capt. Robert Cotton Brown
View Record  States / South Carolina / Caro Carolina Backcountry, on the Eve of the Revolution Hooker, Richard J.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Caro Carolina Charter 1663 Powell, William Stevens, 1919-
View Record  North Carolina / General / Rams Carolina cradle; settlement of the northwest Carolina frontier, 1747-1762. Ramsey, Robert W
View Record  Family Books / Wilson / Caro Carolina descendants of James Wilson of Ireland. Sexton, Jim
View Record  North Carolina / General / Caro Carolina dwelling: towards preservation of place: in celebration of the North Carolina vernacular landscape Swaim, Doug, ed.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Caro Carolina Gold Rush Roberts, Bruce
View Record  Scots - Irish / General / Kell Carolina Scots; an historical and genealogical study of over 100 years of emigration. Kelly, Douglas F with Caroline Switzer Kelly
View Record  North Carolina / General / Caro Carolina Trees and Branches, Volume III, issues 1-12, 1994 Family Research Society of Northeastern NC Newsletters
View Record  Family Books / Carr / Carr Carr: folk tales, a family chronicle and remembrance Hershey, John W.
View Record  Family Books / Roddens / Carr Carry me back ... The Story of the Roddens, Rawdens, Rodens and allied families Rodden, Paul G.
View Record  States / Tennessee / Cart Carter County, Tennessee: Minutes of the County Court 1826-1829 Works Project Administraion
View Record  Family Books / Carver / Carv Carver Family Over 150 Years [includes surnames; Adams, Blackwelder, Caldwell, Carriker, Dellinger, Goff, Hathcock, Henry, Knox, McGee and others]
View Record  Family Books / Springsteen / Casp Caspar Springsteen's family; their amazing migration from the Netherlands to New Amsterdam then North Carolina Springs, Winborne F.
View Record  NC Counties / Caswell / Casw Caswell County, NC - Marriage Bonds 1778-1868 Kendall, Katherine K.
View Record  NC Counties / Caswell / Casw Caswell County, NC - Will Books 1777-1814 Kendall, Katherine K.
View Record  NC Counties / Caswell / Casw Caswell County, NC - Will Books 1814-1843 Kendall, Katherine K.
View Record  NC Counties / Caswell / Casw Caswell County, North Carolina Historical Abstracts of Minutes - 1777-1877 Donaldson, Mary Frances K.
View Record  NC Counties / Caswell / Casw Caswell County, North Carolina: Historical Abstracts of Minutes - 1777-1877 Kendall, Katherine K.
View Record  North Carolina / General / Cata Cataloochee Valley, Vanished Settlements of the Great Smokey Mountains Davis, Hattie Caldwell
View Record  NC Counties / Catawba / Cata Catawba County, North Carolina: Will Book 1 Sherrill, Elizabeth Bray
View Record  NC Counties / Catawba / Cata Catawba County; an architectural history. Catawba County Historical Association.
View Record  Journals / SC Counties / Kershaw Catawba-Wateree messenger; the newsletter for Catawba-Wateree Genealogical Society-Kershaw and Lancaster Counties of South Carolina. Catawba-Wateree Genealogical Society.
View Record  Family Books / Cathey / Cath Cathey family history and genealogy, volume I (1700-1900) Cathey, Boyt Henderson
View Record  Family Books / Smith / Cele Celena (Lena) Jane Russell Smith, her ancestors, descendants and collateral kinsman (Russell, Hamilton, Sitton, Norton, Walker, Kennedy, Leman) McHugh, Celena Russell Smith
View Record  NC Counties / Haywood / Ceme Cemeteries and family graveyards in Haywood County, NC - June 1, 1979 Miller, George A
View Record  NC Counties / Brunswick / Ceme Cemeteries of Southport (Smithville) and Surrounding Area Schmidt, Dorcas W.
View Record  States / South Carolina / Ceme Cemetery Directory of Bethesda Presbyterian Church, York, SC
View Record  NC Counties / Randolph / Ceme Cemetery: Randolph County
View Record  States / Kansas / Cens Census of the Territory of Kansas, February, 1855 With Index and Map of Kansas Election Districts in 1854
View Record  United States / General / Cens Census, 190 Years of Counting America Halacy, Dan
View Record  NC Counties / Guilford / Whit Centennial history of First Presbyterian Church, Burlington, North Carolina, 1879-1979. White, Robert D & Frances W.
View Record  Picture #1 Central Hotel - Charlotte (c. 1895)
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Cent Century of Service, A Story of Calvary Methodist Church, Charlotte, North Carolina 1865-1965 Dooley, George W. and C. Jerome Honeycutt
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / McNi Chain of error and the Mecklenburg Declarations of Independence; a new study of manuscripts: their use, abuse, and neglect. McNitt, V V
View Record  Family Books / Kilgore / Char Charles Kilgore of Kings Mountain; a new history of the Kilgore family Addington, Hugh M
View Record  Map / NC / Mecklenburg Co. / Meck 03 Charlotte (1953 - Revised 1974) U.S. Army Topographic Command
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Char Charlotte and the American Revolution, Reverend Alexander Craighead, the Mecklenburg Delaration & the Foothills Fight for Independence Plumer, Richard P.
View Record  Map / NC / Mecklenburg Co. / Meck 02 Charlotte East Quadrangle, North Carolina, Mecklenburg Co. (1967 Revised 1988) United States Department of the Interior
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Char Charlotte Murder, Mystery and Mayhem Moore, David Aaron
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Char Charlotte News, Hollywood and Me Wister, Emery
View Record  African American / General / Char Charlotte North Carolina: Black America Series Ely, Vermelle Diamond, Grace Hoey Drain and Amy Rogers
View Record  NC Counties / Mecklenburg / Char Charlotte Remembers Reynolds, D. R.
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Records: 401 to 500 of 1911